Saturday, November 29, 2008

#22 Washington

November 29 - 30, 2008
Washington State Class Championship
Redmond, WA
1 win
2 draws
3 losses

For a detailed report on this tournament go here, here and here.

My first game in Washington was a win.


Unfortunately that would be my only win in my first visit to Washington.


James Stripes said...

I talked to B.G. Dennison when he played in Washington state, his 49th state. See Chess Life June 2008. His accomplishment raises the question whether you plan to play in all fifty?

Polly said...

That's the point of this particular blog. I want to document each state I play in. I'm going to give it shot, but who knows if I can actually do it. Money and time is needed.

In my introduction to this blog I mention Dennison's accomplishment.